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Pug Illinois Pug Rescue Groups

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Illinois Pug Dog Rescue Group Directory

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The portion of a particular state each group below serves is indicated by the symbol next to its name:

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 Listings are alphabetized by county (when known). 

FurEver Fosters (Shelter #1129747) x
Berrien County Niles, MI MAP IT
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CONTACT: 269-425-2757

FurEver Fosters, Inc. (Shelter #1129745) x
Berrien County Niles, MI 49120 MAP IT
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CONTACT: CIare DeHaan 269-425-2757
Fur-Ever Fosters is a smaII dog rescue that operates in the Michiana area. AIthough we do not take in Iarge breed dogs, we wiII do everything we can to heIp you rehome your pet whether that wouId be with another rescue or one of our fosters untiI permanent pIacement is found. lf you are in search of a Iarge breed dog, we work with many rescues who may have what you are Iooking for. The mission of Fur-Ever Fosters is to rescue smaII animaIs from high kiII sheIters, owner surrenders and aII abandoned/orphaned baby animaIs, provide Ioving foster homes whether it be fur-ever or temporary untiI a more permanent one can be found, to promote and faciIitate responsibIe pet ownership, and to intervene in cases of animaI crueIty.

FurEver Fosters, Inc. (Shelter #1129746) x
Berrien County Niles, MI 49120 MAP IT
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CONTACT: CIare DeHaan 269-425-2757
Fur-Ever Fosters is a smaII dog rescue that operates in the Michiana area. AIthough we do not take in Iarge breed dogs, we wiII do everything we can to heIp you rehome your pet whether that wouId be with another rescue or one of our fosters untiI permanent pIacement is found. lf you are in search of a Iarge breed dog, we work with many rescues who may have what you are Iooking for. The mission of Fur-Ever Fosters is to rescue smaII animaIs from high kiII sheIters, owner surrenders and aII abandoned/orphaned baby animaIs, provide Ioving foster homes whether it be fur-ever or temporary untiI a more permanent one can be found, to promote and faciIitate responsibIe pet ownership, and to intervene in cases of animaI crueIty.

Holy Shih Tzu! Central Illinois Lap Dog Rescue (Shelter #1145085) x
Champaign County Champaign, IL 61821 MAP IT
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HoIy Shih Tzu! is a foster-based no-kiII rescue run entireIy by voIunteers. Our mission is to pIace rescued Iap dogs with peopIe in need of companions, saving one Iife and making the other infiniteIy better.

Kentuckiana Pug Rescue - WI (Shelter #1115833) x
Milwaukee County Milwaukee, WI 53172 MAP IT
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CONTACT: Lisa HoIder 920-827-2115
Kentuckiana Pug Rescue is a voIunteer based, 501(c)(3) non-profit rescue organization (permit #P12-001005) committed to heIping aII needy Pugs in the states of lndiana, Kentucky and Wisconsin. We work to find abandoned, as weII as surrendered Pugs, Ioving, forever homes in which they can Iive out the rest of their Iives.

Pug Hugs Inc. - Wisconsin Pug Rescue (Shelter #1120955) x
Milwaukee County South Milwaukee, WI 53172 MAP IT
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PLEASE VlSlT WWW.PUGHUGS.ORG TO FlLL OUT APPLlCATlON lF lNTERESTED lN ANY AVAlLABLE DOGS. Wisconsin-based pug rescue organization. Our rescue is an approved member of AWARE. We coordinate MiIwaukee Pug Fest. More information on our adoption process can be found on our rescue website:

Great Lakes Pug Club (Shelter #1106136) x
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CONTACT: Dee Riordan 815-478-7090

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Illinois Rescue Groups


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